Mmmmmmmmmm lagi suka posting neh kawan.. -_- halah langsung to the point aja deh 
mmmmmmmm….mmmmmm….mmmmm…. jadi gini, Indy sama Kunti main lagi kerumah gue hari ini.. kemanakah Fanny? Saya tidak tahu -_- berhubung hari ini puasa, Selamat puasa ya kawan-kawan yang menjalankannya  nah, mreka main kerumah gue nih berdua. Si Fanny kayaknya udah pulang. Nah dari sekolah biasanya kita naik angkot nmr ** atau naik BS. Tapi hari ini kita naik nmr ***. Indy sama Kunti gatau jalan kalo naik angkot itu.. mihihihihihihihi.. nah udh deket rmh gue kita lanjut naik angkot nmr **. Uang kita kurang seribu. Gue cuma punya 10.000 dan itu 10.000(?) nah ada mbak-mbak. Gue minta tuker uangnya, eh dia malah ngasih uangnya yang 1.000 -_- trus kita langsung teriak tertawa gembira. Pas udah sampe mama gue nawarin makanan, NAH KAN SI KUNTI PUASA TUH (indy lagi gak puasa) jadi gue sama indy makan. Maaf bangeeeettt kunti sayaaannggg.. hiks :’( (?)
kita makan sambil nonton film itu lagi (yang di post sebelumnya, gara2 belum slesai nntn jadi kita lanjutin).
Selesai film, indy ngeliatin album2 foto -_- abis itu mereka pulaaaang… hmmmmm what a wonderful day 
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Jadi gini, hari ini seperti biasa gue pulang naik B.S yaitu Bis Sekolah. Ya pastinya sama Fanny, Indy, and Kunti. Nah pas B.Snya udh muter gitu, dan itu udh deket rumah gue, mereka bilang tiba-tiba mau main kerumah gue. Ya gue sih fine fine aja. Wk
Terus pas udah deket banget kan gue turun, mereka ikut turun, kita naik angkot karna harus nyambung lagi 1 kali, ya kalo gue sih bayar 1000 aja. Hahaha!!! Nah kemudian daripadaitu(?) kita turun dari angkot, ceritanya udah nyampe nih, pas udah masuk rumah mereka langsung liar(?) meminta makanan(?) ya,betul mereka lapar. Mama saya langsung memesan makanan di tempat langganan kami, ketika makanannya sampai dirumah, kunti langsung menggila, dia menghabiskan 3 potong ayam/second. Eh boong deng(?) kan ayamnya gede banget lagi -,,,,- indy, gue, fanny gaabis makan ayamnya, kita kasih ke kunti, gila abis dalam 5 menit kalo ga salah -…..- terus abis itu kita nonton film gitu, karna hujan mereka memutuskan untuk pulang, tapi karna hujannya masih lumayan deres mereka nungguin dulu sampe redaan lah dikit.. Tapi karna ga reda-reda atau gak berenti2 (-_-“) mereka memutuskan untuk pulang dengan meminjam payung, pas gue cek payungnya itu gaada (padahal pertama kali gue yang nawarin mereka buat minjem payung) yang ada tuh cuma 1 payung anak kecil.. pink hello kitty gitu -,- nahhh, mereka berTIGA bakal pulang pake itu. HOW CRAZY? Nah pas mereka BENER-BENER mau pulang gue pinjemin jaket yang dari siglap kan lumayan tahan ujan tuh kayaknya -_- jadi fanny sama kunti pake payung, indy pake jaketnya dikepala.. yah pokoknya we really have a great time. :D Thanks guyssssssssssss I love youuuuu

Jadi gini, hari ini seperti biasa gue pulang naik B.S yaitu Bis Sekolah. Ya pastinya sama Fanny, Indy, and Kunti. Nah pas B.Snya udh muter gitu, dan itu udh deket rumah gue, mereka bilang tiba-tiba mau main kerumah gue. Ya gue sih fine fine aja. Wk
Terus pas udah deket banget kan gue turun, mereka ikut turun, kita naik angkot karna harus nyambung lagi 1 kali, ya kalo gue sih bayar 1000 aja. Hahaha!!! Nah kemudian daripadaitu(?) kita turun dari angkot, ceritanya udah nyampe nih, pas udah masuk rumah mereka langsung liar(?) meminta makanan(?) ya,betul mereka lapar. Mama saya langsung memesan makanan di tempat langganan kami, ketika makanannya sampai dirumah, kunti langsung menggila, dia menghabiskan 3 potong ayam/second. Eh boong deng(?) kan ayamnya gede banget lagi -,,,,- indy, gue, fanny gaabis makan ayamnya, kita kasih ke kunti, gila abis dalam 5 menit kalo ga salah -…..- terus abis itu kita nonton film gitu, karna hujan mereka memutuskan untuk pulang, tapi karna hujannya masih lumayan deres mereka nungguin dulu sampe redaan lah dikit.. Tapi karna ga reda-reda atau gak berenti2 (-_-“) mereka memutuskan untuk pulang dengan meminjam payung, pas gue cek payungnya itu gaada (padahal pertama kali gue yang nawarin mereka buat minjem payung) yang ada tuh cuma 1 payung anak kecil.. pink hello kitty gitu -,- nahhh, mereka berTIGA bakal pulang pake itu. HOW CRAZY? Nah pas mereka BENER-BENER mau pulang gue pinjemin jaket yang dari siglap kan lumayan tahan ujan tuh kayaknya -_- jadi fanny sama kunti pake payung, indy pake jaketnya dikepala.. yah pokoknya we really have a great time. :D Thanks guyssssssssssss I love youuuuu
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hey blog! i've been so busy lately, but.. whatev i dont even care -_- i'm in ninth grade now, so i have to be super smart, and i will be very truly busy, with studying *woohoo* lol. so lets start blogging. I'm in 93. there's 3 new students. Sabrina from America, Zahra from Depok, and Abby from Bandung. Sabrina and Zahra, they're friendly, but Abby, dont ask me. lol
Abby is not a girl. HE is a BOY. his full name is Abby Savero. He's Aby's twin. (they're not brothers, but they look alike, and the name is also same too. the different is only is 'b' as in abBy and aBy. get it? And Sabrina, if she laugh she'll cry, and if we make her cry she'll laugh. BAHAHAHA Zahra is one of unexpected student(?) you must hear when she talks and laughs. Its sooooo funny! tralalalala~ okay let's start to talk in Indonesia now. Ahelah gue masa 3 tahun sekelas cuma sama Haris? teehee tapi gapapa lah, daripada 3 tahun ga sekelas sama siapa-siapa! kayak si ica -_- hm whatever. As you know, my cool friend(?), izzan. He's being such a totally cool class president (ketua kelas) in 91! woohoo! GO IZZAN! lol. Jadi tentang 93 lagi, banyak yang berubah. kita kelas 9-nya di gedung B. As you know pas kelas 7&8 gue di gedung A. capek jalannya pas pagi2 -_- dan juga sore2 ofcourse --" tapi gapapa, itung-itung olahraga! biar tetap fit(?) Oh iya bloggies, gimana kabar blog kalian? baik2 saja kah? *apabet bahasanya sok baku* mmmmmmmmm eh i need to log off now. Please come again later ^_^
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SBI 8-1

oke, langsung to the topic aja yak :p
1.Alif (caca) = namanya kayak cowok. TAPI CEWEK. terus di absen tulisannya Laki-laki. bukan perempuan! HAKAKAK!! Anaknya pinter. rengking 1 --__--" bikin iri! anak tunggal. CK nama panggilannya caca, madam, cacing
2.Amirah (dea) = panggilannya dea, atau amir. so in love with korea. :p
3.Davy = cina (?) koko (?) koko davy (?) koko dapi (?) koko dapy (?) gajelas sumvah. wakakakkaka favourite colour RED. sering isengin ica pake gituan tirai --"
4.Anyssa (ica) = nama panggilannya ica. pendiem. asik. kocak. gaholz. kalo ngomong ga pake mimik. suka diisengin davy. sahabat saya, kirana, risna, MITA, dea, caca, dll
5.kirana = panggilannya curut, jamur, kety (?). MY TWIN. huwowowowo asiiikkkk!!! UOUOUOUOUOUOUOUO gahoooooooooooooooooooooooolz
6.dito = panggilannya chacha, bibir, birsek, tipa (?. HAKAKAKAK SABAR YA TIP!! GALOELZ BGT! ya kadang asik lah. wk
7.andre = gatau mau crita apaan ==" tapi andre suka gituin jari. *gangerti*
8.bintang = abin. asik lah
9. dias = dikelas 3 sejolly bareng gita, oni. IDUNG KEMANCUNGAN. NGAKAK
10.fadhil = pendiem. pinter. asik. ya gitu lah
11.grace = ME! uyeah (?)u know me lah.~~
13.Tiva = tipa. wk Anak favorit Bu. Lubis. anaknya asik. gahoelz wkowko
14. RISNA = unexplainable
15. MITA = mas mas warnet (?) sahabat baikknya risna. LOSER
16. Dimas = bapak hamil (?) jokeeeess!! asik dah anaknya
17.dinar = suka korea! uhuuuiiiii (?)
18. oni = pacar teaser (?) peace son. wkowkowkowkowkwowkw sahabat gita, dias. smart
19.dyah = anak baru. keren, cool, kewl (?) unknown (?)
20.paramastri = nenek. kenapa dipanggil nenek? gara2 lahirnya taun 95 --" UNKNOWN SPECIES
21.haris = cabe. tinggi gewla!
22.NADA~ = keren lah *speechless*
23.Izzan = my boyfriend (?) hahah! izzan, mencoba jadi kayak dzikri. tapi gagal (?) peace zan. wkwkwkwk:) LOL yaaa.. smart lah~
24.Gita = sahabat dias, oni. pacar jake. *tapi boong*
25.ellen = cadel. norak. aneh, jerk. PEACE LEN!!! hahahahahhaaha its a joke~ *sooo not funny
26.NADIA = anak yang aneh. suka sisiran. ha ha --"

YA BEGITULAH ANAK2 DI C.A.F.F.E.I.N.E.. HA HA HA --" maaf jika ada kesalahan. *padahal banyak* BYEEEEEEEEEEEEE
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post paling gajelas

HEY LONG TIME NO POST HE? >.< miyuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu *sok cute*
halo teman-teman.. *langsung normal* halo haloooo :) saya lagi suka nyanyi lagu ciptaan sayaaaaa :) *criiiiiiiiiingggggggggggggggggggggggg (eaaa ngomongnya sok bgt~) eh eh eh masa ya kamis udh final test! GEWLA BO! math lagi! AAAAAAAAAA OMG O EM JEYH! oh iya.. tau gak? i'm pretty! (?) *ganyambung, my favourite word. NGAKAK*
eh tau gak, *dari tadi ngemeng itu mulu* MASA YA?! AKU BARU TAU KALO JANI ITU DOMBA! *udh lama kale* *apa hubungannya sama jani?* *gajelas* AUAH STRESS (?)
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My neighbor (second chapter)



(H = Hunter M = Me)

H : Richieeeeeeeeeeee... i'm soo glad i'm here. sorry for coming late, its just because my sister is having a date too. and she's taking shower like maybe a hour. it took a long time right? so, i'm late. sorryyyy... And why your make up smudged??
M : It's because i'm waiting for you for a long time, until i sweat. sorryyyy...
H : its ok. i like you the way you are. you dont need your make up. i like your inner beauty, and of course your physic. but the most important thing is your heart. <3
M : Awwwwww... So sweeettttttt...
M : I love youuuuuu...
H : mm.. me too.. (he said shyly)
H : Ok, lets go! but where?
M : Are you taking to a date because in the end you will express your love to me?
H : Yes. How did you know that???
M : It's easy. I knew it from your face. And you dont need to take me to a date. Because i will say 'yes' whenever you say it to me :)
H : thank's! Will you be my girlfriend? please?!

And we ended it up by holding hands. And now Hunter is my husband. we have 5 children. we live happily ever after. :)

-The End-
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Heyaaa Peeeeoooppplleee!!!! long time no post. -_-" i miss you blogies!! Sooo busy with school ans stuff... huaaaahhhh :O Yesterday I went to a studio to take pictures... And i feel tired.. UNTIL NOW. huaaaaaahhhh.. Okey, thats all i'm going to do my stuff now. Ermm.. And i'll be finishing my "My Neighbor" story. Owkaaayy,, byeee blogies.. :'( I'm gonna miss you. :( byeeeee.. Dont forget to visit my blog everyday! :)
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My Neighbor (chapter one)

My neighbor. (Chapter one)

Hey, my name is Rachel Hill. Just call me Richie. I’m 17 and im in Prambond Senior High School right now. So, this is my story..

I have a neighbor his name is Hunter Knowler. He’s the most annoying person in the history!!! First time I met him, he said to me that my twin is monkey. Second, he said “Ewwwww…What an ugly person in the World! Like Oh My!! Even that nerd is more beautiful than her! Wahahahaha!!!” and from that time I have an evil plan to embarrass him. So, I was just gonna do it tomorrow in school. “Hahaha!! Lets see how people laughing at you hunter knowler!! MUAHAHAHAH!!” And I need to go to bed now. It’s almost 12 PM and I’m not even sleppy. -_____-“ And like, GOSHHH!!!! Maybe I’m too ecxited to do that plan tomorrow. Mihihi

-Next day in the school-

And like I’ve been planned, I just did that plan.. It was soo succes and all people was laughing at him.. hahahhahahha.. That was the most wonderful time in my life. Then Hunter best friend come close to me and he was saying “Why in the World would you do that to a boy that loves you with all his heart? He really wants you to be his girlfriend!! He doesn’t’ want to be your enemy!!!! But he doesn’t know how to say it to a girl that he love!!! “ He’s angry. And I was soooo surprised when I know that Hunter loves me. So, ALL THIS TIME HE DID THAT TO GET MY ATTENTION???!!!!! If he say it from the beginning I’m not gonna do that plan. Damn.


The bell rang. Time for class. I can not concentrate during the class. After a while there was a feeling that comes from my deepest heart. Is this love? I’m afraid so. -___-“ If this is love, love’s sucks. If this is not love, then I’m happy!! LOL.. -_-“ I CANT CONCENTRATE. Whatever the teacher says. I don’t care. Lalalalala ~

(30 minutes later)


It’s lunch time. Suddenly Hunter came to me. He said “Rachel I’m so sorry if I hurt your heart from the first time. Its just because from the first time I met you, you were soo pretty! You were georgeus! I fell in love with you from the first time I saw you. What do you feel about me?” “I don’t know.. But first I’m so sorry about this morning. I’m really really sorry!!“ I answer. “yeah, that’s ok. But how do you feel about me??” “I think I feel the same.. “ And my cheek starting to blush. “Do you want to go out with me?” “That’s gonna be great!! J.. When?”How about tonight at 6 PM?? I’m gonna pick you up. Ok? ” “ok.. See you later… J i think my cheek is soo red right now. But I’m happy! I cant wait for tonight. J J J

To Be Continued

So are they going to be boyfriend and girlfriend? How was the date? All is in the next chapter. J

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Hey, my name is grace! follow me on twitter @graciedokey and please become a fan of me at facebook, grace naomi christina. I'm just a just a cute little girl who loves to play, make up a story, and make friends. many people say i'm creative, beautiful, smart, clildish, cute, innocent,
crazy, annoying, moody, friendly, funny, hyperactive, noisy, talkactive, outgoing, silly, unique, cheerful, nice, humoris.. :)
for now, i school in 49 JHS.. and i think thats all. Enjoy my blog! =)
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Thursday, August 12, 2010

Posted by Chapter of my life at 12:59 AM 0 comments
Mmmmmmmmmm lagi suka posting neh kawan.. -_- halah langsung to the point aja deh 
mmmmmmmm….mmmmmm….mmmmm…. jadi gini, Indy sama Kunti main lagi kerumah gue hari ini.. kemanakah Fanny? Saya tidak tahu -_- berhubung hari ini puasa, Selamat puasa ya kawan-kawan yang menjalankannya  nah, mreka main kerumah gue nih berdua. Si Fanny kayaknya udah pulang. Nah dari sekolah biasanya kita naik angkot nmr ** atau naik BS. Tapi hari ini kita naik nmr ***. Indy sama Kunti gatau jalan kalo naik angkot itu.. mihihihihihihihi.. nah udh deket rmh gue kita lanjut naik angkot nmr **. Uang kita kurang seribu. Gue cuma punya 10.000 dan itu 10.000(?) nah ada mbak-mbak. Gue minta tuker uangnya, eh dia malah ngasih uangnya yang 1.000 -_- trus kita langsung teriak tertawa gembira. Pas udah sampe mama gue nawarin makanan, NAH KAN SI KUNTI PUASA TUH (indy lagi gak puasa) jadi gue sama indy makan. Maaf bangeeeettt kunti sayaaannggg.. hiks :’( (?)
kita makan sambil nonton film itu lagi (yang di post sebelumnya, gara2 belum slesai nntn jadi kita lanjutin).
Selesai film, indy ngeliatin album2 foto -_- abis itu mereka pulaaaang… hmmmmm what a wonderful day 

Friday, August 6, 2010

Posted by Chapter of my life at 10:10 AM 0 comments
Jadi gini, hari ini seperti biasa gue pulang naik B.S yaitu Bis Sekolah. Ya pastinya sama Fanny, Indy, and Kunti. Nah pas B.Snya udh muter gitu, dan itu udh deket rumah gue, mereka bilang tiba-tiba mau main kerumah gue. Ya gue sih fine fine aja. Wk
Terus pas udah deket banget kan gue turun, mereka ikut turun, kita naik angkot karna harus nyambung lagi 1 kali, ya kalo gue sih bayar 1000 aja. Hahaha!!! Nah kemudian daripadaitu(?) kita turun dari angkot, ceritanya udah nyampe nih, pas udah masuk rumah mereka langsung liar(?) meminta makanan(?) ya,betul mereka lapar. Mama saya langsung memesan makanan di tempat langganan kami, ketika makanannya sampai dirumah, kunti langsung menggila, dia menghabiskan 3 potong ayam/second. Eh boong deng(?) kan ayamnya gede banget lagi -,,,,- indy, gue, fanny gaabis makan ayamnya, kita kasih ke kunti, gila abis dalam 5 menit kalo ga salah -…..- terus abis itu kita nonton film gitu, karna hujan mereka memutuskan untuk pulang, tapi karna hujannya masih lumayan deres mereka nungguin dulu sampe redaan lah dikit.. Tapi karna ga reda-reda atau gak berenti2 (-_-“) mereka memutuskan untuk pulang dengan meminjam payung, pas gue cek payungnya itu gaada (padahal pertama kali gue yang nawarin mereka buat minjem payung) yang ada tuh cuma 1 payung anak kecil.. pink hello kitty gitu -,- nahhh, mereka berTIGA bakal pulang pake itu. HOW CRAZY? Nah pas mereka BENER-BENER mau pulang gue pinjemin jaket yang dari siglap kan lumayan tahan ujan tuh kayaknya -_- jadi fanny sama kunti pake payung, indy pake jaketnya dikepala.. yah pokoknya we really have a great time. :D Thanks guyssssssssssss I love youuuuu

Jadi gini, hari ini seperti biasa gue pulang naik B.S yaitu Bis Sekolah. Ya pastinya sama Fanny, Indy, and Kunti. Nah pas B.Snya udh muter gitu, dan itu udh deket rumah gue, mereka bilang tiba-tiba mau main kerumah gue. Ya gue sih fine fine aja. Wk
Terus pas udah deket banget kan gue turun, mereka ikut turun, kita naik angkot karna harus nyambung lagi 1 kali, ya kalo gue sih bayar 1000 aja. Hahaha!!! Nah kemudian daripadaitu(?) kita turun dari angkot, ceritanya udah nyampe nih, pas udah masuk rumah mereka langsung liar(?) meminta makanan(?) ya,betul mereka lapar. Mama saya langsung memesan makanan di tempat langganan kami, ketika makanannya sampai dirumah, kunti langsung menggila, dia menghabiskan 3 potong ayam/second. Eh boong deng(?) kan ayamnya gede banget lagi -,,,,- indy, gue, fanny gaabis makan ayamnya, kita kasih ke kunti, gila abis dalam 5 menit kalo ga salah -…..- terus abis itu kita nonton film gitu, karna hujan mereka memutuskan untuk pulang, tapi karna hujannya masih lumayan deres mereka nungguin dulu sampe redaan lah dikit.. Tapi karna ga reda-reda atau gak berenti2 (-_-“) mereka memutuskan untuk pulang dengan meminjam payung, pas gue cek payungnya itu gaada (padahal pertama kali gue yang nawarin mereka buat minjem payung) yang ada tuh cuma 1 payung anak kecil.. pink hello kitty gitu -,- nahhh, mereka berTIGA bakal pulang pake itu. HOW CRAZY? Nah pas mereka BENER-BENER mau pulang gue pinjemin jaket yang dari siglap kan lumayan tahan ujan tuh kayaknya -_- jadi fanny sama kunti pake payung, indy pake jaketnya dikepala.. yah pokoknya we really have a great time. :D Thanks guyssssssssssss I love youuuuu

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Posted by Chapter of my life at 10:10 PM 0 comments
hey blog! i've been so busy lately, but.. whatev i dont even care -_- i'm in ninth grade now, so i have to be super smart, and i will be very truly busy, with studying *woohoo* lol. so lets start blogging. I'm in 93. there's 3 new students. Sabrina from America, Zahra from Depok, and Abby from Bandung. Sabrina and Zahra, they're friendly, but Abby, dont ask me. lol
Abby is not a girl. HE is a BOY. his full name is Abby Savero. He's Aby's twin. (they're not brothers, but they look alike, and the name is also same too. the different is only is 'b' as in abBy and aBy. get it? And Sabrina, if she laugh she'll cry, and if we make her cry she'll laugh. BAHAHAHA Zahra is one of unexpected student(?) you must hear when she talks and laughs. Its sooooo funny! tralalalala~ okay let's start to talk in Indonesia now. Ahelah gue masa 3 tahun sekelas cuma sama Haris? teehee tapi gapapa lah, daripada 3 tahun ga sekelas sama siapa-siapa! kayak si ica -_- hm whatever. As you know, my cool friend(?), izzan. He's being such a totally cool class president (ketua kelas) in 91! woohoo! GO IZZAN! lol. Jadi tentang 93 lagi, banyak yang berubah. kita kelas 9-nya di gedung B. As you know pas kelas 7&8 gue di gedung A. capek jalannya pas pagi2 -_- dan juga sore2 ofcourse --" tapi gapapa, itung-itung olahraga! biar tetap fit(?) Oh iya bloggies, gimana kabar blog kalian? baik2 saja kah? *apabet bahasanya sok baku* mmmmmmmmm eh i need to log off now. Please come again later ^_^

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

SBI 8-1

Posted by Chapter of my life at 2:51 AM 3 comments
oke, langsung to the topic aja yak :p
1.Alif (caca) = namanya kayak cowok. TAPI CEWEK. terus di absen tulisannya Laki-laki. bukan perempuan! HAKAKAK!! Anaknya pinter. rengking 1 --__--" bikin iri! anak tunggal. CK nama panggilannya caca, madam, cacing
2.Amirah (dea) = panggilannya dea, atau amir. so in love with korea. :p
3.Davy = cina (?) koko (?) koko davy (?) koko dapi (?) koko dapy (?) gajelas sumvah. wakakakkaka favourite colour RED. sering isengin ica pake gituan tirai --"
4.Anyssa (ica) = nama panggilannya ica. pendiem. asik. kocak. gaholz. kalo ngomong ga pake mimik. suka diisengin davy. sahabat saya, kirana, risna, MITA, dea, caca, dll
5.kirana = panggilannya curut, jamur, kety (?). MY TWIN. huwowowowo asiiikkkk!!! UOUOUOUOUOUOUOUO gahoooooooooooooooooooooooolz
6.dito = panggilannya chacha, bibir, birsek, tipa (?. HAKAKAKAK SABAR YA TIP!! GALOELZ BGT! ya kadang asik lah. wk
7.andre = gatau mau crita apaan ==" tapi andre suka gituin jari. *gangerti*
8.bintang = abin. asik lah
9. dias = dikelas 3 sejolly bareng gita, oni. IDUNG KEMANCUNGAN. NGAKAK
10.fadhil = pendiem. pinter. asik. ya gitu lah
11.grace = ME! uyeah (?)u know me lah.~~
13.Tiva = tipa. wk Anak favorit Bu. Lubis. anaknya asik. gahoelz wkowko
14. RISNA = unexplainable
15. MITA = mas mas warnet (?) sahabat baikknya risna. LOSER
16. Dimas = bapak hamil (?) jokeeeess!! asik dah anaknya
17.dinar = suka korea! uhuuuiiiii (?)
18. oni = pacar teaser (?) peace son. wkowkowkowkowkwowkw sahabat gita, dias. smart
19.dyah = anak baru. keren, cool, kewl (?) unknown (?)
20.paramastri = nenek. kenapa dipanggil nenek? gara2 lahirnya taun 95 --" UNKNOWN SPECIES
21.haris = cabe. tinggi gewla!
22.NADA~ = keren lah *speechless*
23.Izzan = my boyfriend (?) hahah! izzan, mencoba jadi kayak dzikri. tapi gagal (?) peace zan. wkwkwkwk:) LOL yaaa.. smart lah~
24.Gita = sahabat dias, oni. pacar jake. *tapi boong*
25.ellen = cadel. norak. aneh, jerk. PEACE LEN!!! hahahahahhaaha its a joke~ *sooo not funny
26.NADIA = anak yang aneh. suka sisiran. ha ha --"

YA BEGITULAH ANAK2 DI C.A.F.F.E.I.N.E.. HA HA HA --" maaf jika ada kesalahan. *padahal banyak* BYEEEEEEEEEEEEE

post paling gajelas

Posted by Chapter of my life at 2:46 AM 0 comments
HEY LONG TIME NO POST HE? >.< miyuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu *sok cute*
halo teman-teman.. *langsung normal* halo haloooo :) saya lagi suka nyanyi lagu ciptaan sayaaaaa :) *criiiiiiiiiingggggggggggggggggggggggg (eaaa ngomongnya sok bgt~) eh eh eh masa ya kamis udh final test! GEWLA BO! math lagi! AAAAAAAAAA OMG O EM JEYH! oh iya.. tau gak? i'm pretty! (?) *ganyambung, my favourite word. NGAKAK*
eh tau gak, *dari tadi ngemeng itu mulu* MASA YA?! AKU BARU TAU KALO JANI ITU DOMBA! *udh lama kale* *apa hubungannya sama jani?* *gajelas* AUAH STRESS (?)

Sunday, March 28, 2010

My neighbor (second chapter)

Posted by Chapter of my life at 1:51 AM 0 comments


(H = Hunter M = Me)

H : Richieeeeeeeeeeee... i'm soo glad i'm here. sorry for coming late, its just because my sister is having a date too. and she's taking shower like maybe a hour. it took a long time right? so, i'm late. sorryyyy... And why your make up smudged??
M : It's because i'm waiting for you for a long time, until i sweat. sorryyyy...
H : its ok. i like you the way you are. you dont need your make up. i like your inner beauty, and of course your physic. but the most important thing is your heart. <3
M : Awwwwww... So sweeettttttt...
M : I love youuuuuu...
H : mm.. me too.. (he said shyly)
H : Ok, lets go! but where?
M : Are you taking to a date because in the end you will express your love to me?
H : Yes. How did you know that???
M : It's easy. I knew it from your face. And you dont need to take me to a date. Because i will say 'yes' whenever you say it to me :)
H : thank's! Will you be my girlfriend? please?!

And we ended it up by holding hands. And now Hunter is my husband. we have 5 children. we live happily ever after. :)

-The End-

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Posted by Chapter of my life at 6:50 PM 0 comments
Heyaaa Peeeeoooppplleee!!!! long time no post. -_-" i miss you blogies!! Sooo busy with school ans stuff... huaaaahhhh :O Yesterday I went to a studio to take pictures... And i feel tired.. UNTIL NOW. huaaaaaahhhh.. Okey, thats all i'm going to do my stuff now. Ermm.. And i'll be finishing my "My Neighbor" story. Owkaaayy,, byeee blogies.. :'( I'm gonna miss you. :( byeeeee.. Dont forget to visit my blog everyday! :)

Friday, March 19, 2010

My Neighbor (chapter one)

Posted by Chapter of my life at 9:27 AM 0 comments

My neighbor. (Chapter one)

Hey, my name is Rachel Hill. Just call me Richie. I’m 17 and im in Prambond Senior High School right now. So, this is my story..

I have a neighbor his name is Hunter Knowler. He’s the most annoying person in the history!!! First time I met him, he said to me that my twin is monkey. Second, he said “Ewwwww…What an ugly person in the World! Like Oh My!! Even that nerd is more beautiful than her! Wahahahaha!!!” and from that time I have an evil plan to embarrass him. So, I was just gonna do it tomorrow in school. “Hahaha!! Lets see how people laughing at you hunter knowler!! MUAHAHAHAH!!” And I need to go to bed now. It’s almost 12 PM and I’m not even sleppy. -_____-“ And like, GOSHHH!!!! Maybe I’m too ecxited to do that plan tomorrow. Mihihi

-Next day in the school-

And like I’ve been planned, I just did that plan.. It was soo succes and all people was laughing at him.. hahahhahahha.. That was the most wonderful time in my life. Then Hunter best friend come close to me and he was saying “Why in the World would you do that to a boy that loves you with all his heart? He really wants you to be his girlfriend!! He doesn’t’ want to be your enemy!!!! But he doesn’t know how to say it to a girl that he love!!! “ He’s angry. And I was soooo surprised when I know that Hunter loves me. So, ALL THIS TIME HE DID THAT TO GET MY ATTENTION???!!!!! If he say it from the beginning I’m not gonna do that plan. Damn.


The bell rang. Time for class. I can not concentrate during the class. After a while there was a feeling that comes from my deepest heart. Is this love? I’m afraid so. -___-“ If this is love, love’s sucks. If this is not love, then I’m happy!! LOL.. -_-“ I CANT CONCENTRATE. Whatever the teacher says. I don’t care. Lalalalala ~

(30 minutes later)


It’s lunch time. Suddenly Hunter came to me. He said “Rachel I’m so sorry if I hurt your heart from the first time. Its just because from the first time I met you, you were soo pretty! You were georgeus! I fell in love with you from the first time I saw you. What do you feel about me?” “I don’t know.. But first I’m so sorry about this morning. I’m really really sorry!!“ I answer. “yeah, that’s ok. But how do you feel about me??” “I think I feel the same.. “ And my cheek starting to blush. “Do you want to go out with me?” “That’s gonna be great!! J.. When?”How about tonight at 6 PM?? I’m gonna pick you up. Ok? ” “ok.. See you later… J i think my cheek is soo red right now. But I’m happy! I cant wait for tonight. J J J

To Be Continued

So are they going to be boyfriend and girlfriend? How was the date? All is in the next chapter. J


Posted by Chapter of my life at 5:28 AM 0 comments
Hey, my name is grace! follow me on twitter @graciedokey and please become a fan of me at facebook, grace naomi christina. I'm just a just a cute little girl who loves to play, make up a story, and make friends. many people say i'm creative, beautiful, smart, clildish, cute, innocent,
crazy, annoying, moody, friendly, funny, hyperactive, noisy, talkactive, outgoing, silly, unique, cheerful, nice, humoris.. :)
for now, i school in 49 JHS.. and i think thats all. Enjoy my blog! =)